
It is with great pleasure and pride that we share Nactarome’s inaugural Sustainability Report. The insights we have gained through this in-depth review are invaluable, and we are committed to making sustainability a cornerstone of our business and strategic planning, embedding sustainability into every aspect of Nactarome’s operations. For us, sustainability is not simply a management exercise or a set of policies for our facilities. True sustainable practices extend beyond environmental stewardship and health & safety—they include employee well-being, responsible procurement, and strong corporate governance. This inaugural Sustainability Report, covering the 2023 calendar year, presents an in-depth look at the topics most relevant to Nactarome and its stakeholders, identified through the Company’s first Materiality Analysis, conducted according to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. We invite your feedback as we work together to become the sustainable partners our industry and the world need.

Nactarome Ltd Is Now a Carbon Neutral Business!

We are proud to announce that we have partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain™ to measure and offset our carbon footprint, to become certified as a Carbon Neutral Organisation.